- Senthalai : Meenkshi Sundreswarar Temple.
The temple is about a kilometer from Varagore temple. The temple is big one with, main Raja gopuram of five storeys and two prakaram.
Main deity is Swayambu Siva Lingam known as Sundareswarar and his consort known as Meenakshi amman.
As we go around the prakaram, deities seen in the temple are Ganesha in a small sanctum, Dakshina moorthy as koshta moorthy, Subramanyar, Lakshmi, Chandeekeswarar.
Stone inscriptions are seen in the temple.
[Meenakshi Sundareswarar] [Subramanyar]
[Gaja Lakshmi] [Dakshna Moorthy]
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on Tuesday, January 11, 2011
at Tuesday, January 11, 2011
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Dakshina moorthy,
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